About 壺 Potion House
香港⾸間以凍類為基底的珍珠茶飲概念店—壺 Potion House,提供的⼀系列珍珠茶飲均使⽤多種最新鮮優質的原材料調配⽽成,滿⾜愉悅愛茶⼈⼠的各種⼝腹需求。六款招牌凍類 (桃花紅茶凍、茉莉綠茶凍、⾖漿凍、杏仁凍、咖啡凍、嫩仙草)搭配出30款可⼝獨特的茶飲組合。每⼀道茶飲,增添多層⼝感,將每⼀杯飲料的風味提升⾄另⼀層次 | Breathe and connect with 壺 Potion House, Hong Kong's first jelly-based bubble tea concept in the heart of Wan Chai. Enhance your bubble tea experience and top up the chews with our very own magic formula, along with six signature jellies; (peach-infused black tea jelly, jasmine green tea jelly, soybean milk jelly, apricot kernel jelly)15% off entire menu
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開心果椰奶 Pistachio Coconut Milk (無蛋白 No Protein Version)
$54.00紫米紅豆鮮奶 Purple Rice Red Bean Milk
$53.00(可熱飲) 海鹽朱古力 The Sea Salt Chocolate (無蛋白 No protein version)
$54.00芋頭芋圓鮮奶 Double Taro Milk
$56.00壺桃花紅茶凍奶茶 Potion House Signature Milk Tea with Peach-infused Black Tea Jelly
$47.00鐵觀音芝芝奶蓋 Tie Guan Yin Oolong with Cream Cheese Foam
$54.00玉蘭香綠芝芝奶蓋 Magnolia Green Tea with Cream Cheese Foam
$54.00黑糖咖啡拿鐵 Brown Sugar Coffee Latte
$49.00《限定飲品》黑糖焙茶拿鐵 <Limited Edition> Premium Brown Sugar Hojicha Latte
$62.00黑糖嫩仙草鮮奶 Brown Sugar Grass Jelly Milk
《NEW》蛋白系列 The Muscle Series
Pump it up for the muscle series! Get stronger with our delicious sea-salt chocolate, pistachio coconut, and classic malted soy-milk! Add-on to the gains with our signature soybean milk jelly! Each cups contains over 20g of pure whey protein.
開心果椰奶 Pistachio Coconut Milk (無蛋白 No Protein Version)
固定甜度 Fixed sugar level, not too sweet! Enjoy this light pistachio coconut milk shake without the extra protein!$54.00Popular(可熱飲) 海鹽朱古力 The Sea Salt Chocolate (無蛋白 No protein version)
(推薦熱飲 Recommended served hot!) 固定甜度(適當甜度)Fixed sugar level, not too sweet! Enjoy this creamy salty chocolate without the extra protein!$54.00(可熱飲) 經典麥精豆奶 The Classic Malted Soybean Milk (無蛋白 No Protein Version)
(推薦熱飲!Recommended served hot!) 固定甜度 (半甜) Fixed at half sugar. Try out the Potion House special classic malted soybean milk without the extra protein!$52.00開心果椰奶 Pistachio Coconut Milk (含蛋白)
Currently sold out$58.00
鮮奶系列 Legen-dairy Classics
可選擇去冰或冰度及不另加甜或甜度 | Can choose no ice or ice level and no additional sugar or sugar level.
黑糖珍珠鮮奶 Brown Sugar Boba Milk
Currently sold out$48.00紫米紅豆鮮奶 Purple Rice Red Bean Milk
招牌推薦,可要求熱飲,500ml | Signature or recommended items, can be served hot, all hot drinks are served in 500ml size cups only. *Fixed sugar level at half sugar 固定甜度:五分甜*$53.00芋頭芋圓鮮奶 Double Taro Milk
招牌推薦,可要求熱飲,500mL | Signature or recommended items, can be served hot, all hot drinks are served in 500mL size cups only. *Fixed sugar level at half sugar 固定甜度:五分甜* 每日新鮮製作手工芋泥搭配台灣進口小芋圓,適當甜度,滑順綿密!$56.00黑糖嫩仙草鮮奶 Brown Sugar Grass Jelly Milk
純茶系列 Purely Tea-rrific
升級選擇天然零卡糖!Upgrade and choose our natural zero calorie sugar! 可選擇去冰或冰度及不另加甜或甜度,另加錢追加配料 | Can choose no ice or ice level and no additional sugar or sugar level, add price for chews.
熟成紅茶豆漿凍 Premium Black Tea with Soybean Milk Jelly
Currently sold out$43.00金萱茶杏仁凍 Jin Xuan Alpine Tea with Apricot Kernel Jelly
Currently sold out$42.00鐵觀音 Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea
台灣碳培鐵觀音,高品質烏龍茶,新鮮原葉研磨。 可要求熱飲,500mL | Can be served hot, all hot drinks are served in 500mL size cups only.$35.00蕎麥燕麥茶 Barley Oat Tea
無咖啡因全天然黃金蕎麥燕麥茶,香氣撲鼻,回味無窮 可要求熱飲,500mL | Can be served hot, all hot drinks are served in 500mL size cups only.$44.00金萱茶 Jin Xuan Alpine Tea
Currently sold out$36.00玉蘭香綠 Magnolia Green Tea
台灣玉蘭香具有自然的玉蘭花香,香氣清幽,綿長持久。 可要求熱飲,500mL | Can be served hot, all hot drinks are served in 500mL size cups only.$35.00熟成紅茶 Premium Vintage Black Tea
Currently sold out$37.00
奶茶系列 Milky Way
可選擇去冰或冰度及不另加甜或甜度,另加錢追加配料 | Can choose no ice or ice level and no additional sugar or sugar level, add price for chews.
壺珍珠奶茶 Potion House Signature Bubble Tea
Top seller! The Potion House golden ratio, luscious and creamy premier milk tea with hand-made brown sugar boba. 招牌推薦 | Signature or recommended items. *Fixed sugar level at half sugar* 招牌壺奶茶黃金比例固定五分甜,凍飲不可去冰$46.00壺桃花紅茶凍奶茶 Potion House Signature Milk Tea with Peach-infused Black Tea Jelly
The Potion House golden ratio, luscious and creamy premier milk tea with hand-made peach-infused black tea jelly! 招牌推薦 | Signature or recommended items. *Fixed sugar level at half sugar* 招牌壺奶茶黃金比例固定五分甜,凍飲不可去冰$47.00壺豆漿凍奶茶 Potion House Signature Milk Tea with Soybean Milk Jelly
Currently sold out$48.00壺奶茶 Potion House Signature Milk Tea
The Potion House golden ratio, luscious and creamy premier milk tea. 招牌推薦,可要求熱飲,500mL | Signature or recommended items, can be served hot, all hot drinks are served in 500mL size cups only. *Fixed sugar level at half sugar 固定甜度:五分甜* 凍飲不可去冰$42.00
咖啡系列 But Coffee First
可選擇去冰或冰度及不另加甜或甜度 | Can choose no ice or ice level and no additional sugar or sugar level.
黑糖咖啡拿鐵 Brown Sugar Coffee Latte
招牌推薦 | Signature or recommended item **凍飲可選擇轉椰奶 Coconut milk options is available for cold drinks only Elevate your coffee latte experience with our hand-made brown sugar!$49.00咖啡拿鐵 Coffee Latte
可選擇轉椰奶 Upgrade to our zero calorie natural sweetener **凍飲可選擇轉椰奶 Coconut milk options is available for cold drinks only$46.00
芝芝奶蓋系列 Fluff It Up
*奶蓋在運送過程中有可能因為時間太久而跟茶融合,高標者請慎選!升級選擇天然零卡糖!Upgrade and choose our natural zero calorie sugar!
鐵觀音芝芝奶蓋 Tie Guan Yin Oolong with Cream Cheese Foam
招牌推薦 | Signature or recommended items. 每日新鮮製作!一入口鹹香綿密芝士奶蓋,搭配香氣濃郁的純茶! ***奶蓋在運送過程中有可能因為時間太久而跟茶融合,高標者請慎選! 不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$54.00玉蘭香綠芝芝奶蓋 Magnolia Green Tea with Cream Cheese Foam
Top seller! 招牌推薦 | Signature or recommended items. 每日新鮮製作!一入口鹹香綿密芝士奶蓋,搭配香氣濃郁的純茶! ***奶蓋在運送過程中有可能因為時間太久而跟茶融合,高標者請慎選! 不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$54.00熟成紅茶芝芝奶蓋 Vintage Premium Black Tea with Cream Cheese Foam
Currently sold out$55.00
拿鐵系列 Whole Latte Love
升級選擇天然零卡糖!Upgrade and choose our natural zero calorie sugar! 可選擇熱飲,500mL、去冰或冰度及不另加甜或甜度,另加錢追加配料 | Can choose hot, all hot drinks are served in 500mL size cups only, no ice or ice level and no additional sugar or sugar level, add price for chews.
《限定飲品》黑糖焙茶拿鐵 <Limited Edition> Premium Brown Sugar Hojicha Latte
推薦熱飲!(限定飲品) 焙茶拿鐵搭配自家手炒黑糖! (hot drink recommendation) limited edition Hojicha latte with our hand-made smoky brown sugar!$62.00鐵觀音拿鐵 TieGuanYin Oolong Latte
碳培鐵觀音烏龍加鮮奶 Smoky TieGuanYin Oolong Tea with Fresh Milk 不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$44.00鐵觀音奶茶 TieGuanYin Oolong Milk Tea
招牌推薦 | Signature or recommended items. 碳培鐵觀音烏龍奶茶 TieGuanYin Oolong Milk Tea 不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$39.00玉蘭香綠奶茶 Magnolia Green Milk Tea
不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$39.00蕎麥燕麥拿鐵 Barley Oat Milk Tea
不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$53.00蕎麥燕麥奶茶 Barley Oat Milk Tea
不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$48.00熟成紅奶茶 Premium Vintage Black Milk Tea
Currently sold out$40.00熟成紅拿鐵 Premium Vintage Black Latte
Currently sold out$45.00玉蘭香綠拿鐵 Magnolia Green Latte
不要不另加甜,好味道選擇天然零卡糖!0負擔 0脂肪 GO ZERO and drink without the extra guilt with our our natural sweetener, choose ZERO instead of no sugar!$44.00
乾果茶系列 Fruitfully Yours
升級選擇天然零卡糖!Upgrade and choose our natural zero calorie sugar! 可選擇去冰或冰度及不另加甜或甜度,另加錢追加配料 | Can choose no ice or ice level and no additional sugar or sugar level, add price for chews.
乾白桃香綠 Dried Peach Magnolia Green Tea
Top seller! 乾果茶系列建議搭配手工製作茶凍,獨特的乾果甘甜,相當清爽! **果乾有可能無貨**$43.00荔枝乾蜂蜜金萱 Dried Lychee Honey Jin Xuan Alpine Tea
Currently sold out$43.00金桔檸檬金萱 Dried Kumquat & Lemon Jin Xuan Alpine Tea
Currently sold out$40.00乾梅綠 Dried Plum Green Tea
乾果茶系列建議搭配手工製作茶凍,獨特的乾果甘甜,相當清爽! **果乾有可能無貨**$40.00綠葡萄乾金萱 Dried Green Grape Jin Xuan
Currently sold out$42.00